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“Battle of Cortices” Ƶ Medical School Tournament

“Battle of Cortices” Ƶ Medical School Tournament

სამშაბათი, 25 მაისი, 2021

აჩვენე კალენდარზე

Ƶ Medical School Tournament: “Battle of Cortices”

Importance of this extracurricular activity

Being a medical student can be stressful and challenging, extracurricular activities will help us to spice the processes up a little bit. This activity is all about having fun and helping students to communicate, build interpersonal relationships and flourish creativity. Since this game is based on clinical cases, it will also be educational.

Who can participate in the “Battle of Cortices”?

  • This extracurricular activity is tailored to medical students
  • Every medical student can register a team that consists of 5 students
  • There is no age limit
  • There is no semester cutoff. Everyone from semester 1 to semester 12 is qualified and can participate in this tournament.
  • Participants should take into account that the game is based on critical thinking and clinical decision making and cases given to teams will be tough. We recommend and encourage teams to have members from different semesters.

Process of registration

Registration will be done through google forms:

  • Each team should have a name
  • Each team must consist of 5 members, teams with less than 5 members will be disqualified

Technical requirements for the game

  • Each participant should have a functional camera and microphone
  • Each member of the team should be logged in a ZOOM platform individually
  • Each participant should have his or her name indicated on their ZOOM account
  • Participants should have a good internet connection

Who runs and controls the process?

The medical game tournament has 2 controlling body:

  • Organizing team- Managing and controlling all the technical and logistic issues, funding, process improvement, quality check.
  • Case developing team/ evaluation committee- preparing clinical cases and tailoring them to the format of a tournament. Analyzing and testing clinical cases for possible flaws. Setting points for each case rounds and evaluating the work of teams throughout the tournament

Interaction between these two teams is crucial.


  • The tournament will be held in 2 or 3 phases, depending on the number of participants.
  • Finalists will be awarded diplomas and books
  • The winner will be given the title of “The First Cortices of Ƶ Medical School”, and will be given a trophy that will be kept at Ƶ in the corner of achievements.

The structure of the game:

  • “Battle of Cortices” is a team game
  • Every team consists of 5 members
  • The game is based on clinical cases
  • The game will be conducted on the Zoom platform or at the university
  • The game will be scheduled by an organizing team and all the participants will be notified about all the upcoming events at least 2 weeks prior
  • Each game day consists of 2 or 3 rounds depending on a case and decision of a case developing committee
  • The outcome of the game is diagnosing the patient
  • Rules are different for online and onsite games

Please follow the link for Video Instructions: 

Online Format

  • All the participants, organizing team, case developing team will be gathered on the ZOOM platform.
  • Everyone will be introduced to the rules of the game
  • The organizing team gives all the participants time to come up with questions to clear up all the doubts before the game starts.

Game Starts!

The First Round

  • A clinical case will be displayed through screen sharing on the main screen, simultaneously will be sent out in zoom chat and be available for all participants.
  • Teams will be given a certain time for reading and analyzing the case The time limit will be decided by a case developing team.
  • Once the given time for reading is over teams will be given the first task: What is your next step in diagnosis?
  • At this point, teams will be separated into individual breakout rooms. They still have an access to a case scenario since they already have the document with them
  • Each breakout room will have its supervisor to make sure that the process goes smoothly without technical or other types of issues
  • Teams will be provided with a list of diagnostic tests (around 20 laboratory and instrumental diagnostic tests)
  • Teams will make their decision within the specific given time (decided by a case developing team)
  • Once the time is up and the team has already stated the decision the supervisor will give them the corresponding results. A supervisor will make a note of the team’s decision.
  • Teams will be given additional time to analyze the results they got upon request.
  • Once the time is up breakout rooms are closed and everyone returns to the main page.
  • In case of a problem in any of the breakout rooms, all the breakout rooms will be closed and everyone will return to the main page.

Evaluation of the first round:

  • 10 points- If the best diagnostic modality is chosen correctly as the first diagnostic test.
  • 7 points- Tests that have diagnostic value, but are not used as the first diagnostic test
  • 5 points- A diagnostic test that gives minimal information.
  • 0 points- A test that is not informative.

The case developing team can give points from 0 to 10 to diagnostic modalities but this is the main structure that will not be modified.

The Second Round:

  • The process continues the same way; Ƶ are given a second question- What is your next step?
  • teams will be separated into individual breakout rooms and will be provided with a list of a diagnostic test (around 20 laboratory and instrumental diagnostic tests)
  • Teams will make their decision within the specific given time (decided by a case developing team and can be different in every round or can vary from game to game depending on a case scenario)
  • Once the time is up and the team has already stated the decision the supervisor will give them the corresponding results. The supervisor will make a note of the team’s decision.
  • The team will be given additional time to analyze the results they got upon request.
  • Once the time is up breakout rooms are closed and everyone returns to the main page.

Evaluation of the Second round:

  • 10 points- If the best diagnostic modality is chosen correctly as the first diagnostic test.

  • 7 points- Tests that have diagnostic value, but are not used as a next step in diagnosis
  • 5 points- A diagnostic test that gives minimal information.
  • 0 points- A test that is not informative.

The case developing team can give points from 0 to 10 to diagnostic modalities but this is the main structure that will not be modified.

The Third Round:

  • The third round is optional and might not be conducted in every game
  • The process continues the same way; Ƶ are given the last question- What is your final step in diagnosis in diagnosis?
  • teams will be separated into individual breakout rooms and will be provided with a list of a diagnostic test (around 20 laboratory and instrumental diagnostic tests)
  • Teams will make their decision within the specific given time (decided by a case developing team and can be different in every round or can vary from game to game depending on a case scenario)
  • Once the time is up and the team has already stated the decision the supervisor will give them the corresponding results. The supervisor will make a note of the team’s decision.
  • The team will be given additional time to analyze the results they got upon request.
  • Once the time is up breakout rooms are closed and everyone returns to the main page.

Evaluation of the third round:

  • 10 points- If the best diagnostic modality is chosen correctly as the first diagnostic test.

  • 7 points- Tests that have diagnostic value, but are not used as a next step in diagnosis
  • 5 points- A diagnostic test that gives minimal information.
  • 0 points- A test that is not informative.

The case developing team can give points from 0 to 10 to diagnostic modalities but this is the main structure that will not be modified.

The Final Round:

  • The process is concluded with the last task: What is the diagnosis?
  • teams will be separated into individual breakout rooms and will be given sufficient time for discussion. Time is decided by a case developing team.
  • Teams will be provided with a final diagnosis paper, a paper that is prepared for recording the final results of teams.

The final round paper will be inserted at the end of this document.

  • Teams will have to write down their main diagnosis and indicate 3 supporting findings or provide a brief and clear explanation of the thinking process
  • Teams will have a chance to indicate 1 differential diagnosis as well

Evaluation of the final round:

20 points

  • Correct diagnosis, every fiend of the form is correctly filled
  • Correct diagnosis with minimal mistakes in stating the name of the disorder

15-20 points

  • Correct main diagnosis but not all fields are filled or incorrectly filled, good thinking process and solid differential diagnosis
  • Correct main diagnosis but the explanation is not coherent, is misleading, not clearly stated, strong differential diagnosis
  • Incorrectly stated the main diagnosis but explanation or supportive findings are suggesting that the team had a correct thinking process and has a good differential diagnosis, all fields are filled

10-15 points

  • Correct diagnosis but the explanation is not coherent, is misleading, not clearly stated, no strong differential diagnosis, not all fields are filled
  • Incorrect main diagnosis, the explanation is somewhat coherent and relevant to case, has a good differential
  • Incorrect main diagnosis, all the fields are filled. Differential and explanations are somewhat related to the case and explanations depict a somewhat correct thinking process.

5-10 points

  • Incorrect main and differential diagnosis, but the explanation is somewhat coherent and relevant
  • Incorrect main and differential diagnosis, all fields filled but incorrectly but still maintaining coherence to case

0-5 points

  • Neither main, nor differential diagnosis is correct, not all fields are filled, if filled misleading with many mistakes, if there is any relevant information team can be given more than 0 points
  • Neither main nor differential diagnosis is correct, not all fields are filled, nothing is suggesting that team has worked.

Game Over! The winner takes it all! 

The top 3 teams will be in a final match.

Semi-final can be conducted if there is a big number of teams.


The final round paper


Main diagnosis:
Supportive findings
Please write down your thinking process (no more than 100 words):

Differential diagnosis:


Feel free to ask any questions. Organizing team:

Valiko Begiashvili

+995 599 304 923

vbegiashvili@gau.edu.ge valo.begiashvili@gmail.com

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